AMUQ à ICEM 2025

AMUQ at ICEM 2025

Lors de ICEM 2025, l'AMUQ est fière d’avoir été choisie pour offrir des ateliers précongrès.

Ses ateliers précongrès auront lieu vendredi 23 mai et samedi 24 mai 2025.

At ICEM 2025, AMUQ is proud to have been chosen to offer pre-congress workshops.

Its pre-congress workshops will take place on Friday, May 23 and Saturday, May 24, 2025.

Inscription Atelier AMUQ

AC2 - Examen neurologique à l’urgence : ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir, mais n’avez jamais osé demander

Registration AMUQ workshop

AC2 - Neurological Examination in the Emergency Department: What You Always Wanted to Know, But Never Dared to Ask!





AC2 - Neurological Examination in the Emergency Department: What You Always Wanted to Know, But Never Dared to Ask! (English)

May 24, 2025
8h-17h (Duration : 7.5h)

Approach with greater confidence and pleasure the various clinical presentations encountered in the emergency department.
Examine and interpret more effectively the various facets of the neurological examination relevant to the emergency department.
Perform a systematic, oriented and effective examination of the patient with impaired consciousness or coma.
Detect and demonstrate the factitious nature of certain neurological clinical presentations.



Dr Jeanne Teitelbaum

Dr Michel Garner