AMUQ à ICEM 2025 |
AMUQ at ICEM 2025 |
Lors de ICEM 2025, l'AMUQ est fière d’avoir été choisie pour offrir des ateliers précongrès. Ses ateliers précongrès auront lieu vendredi 23 mai et samedi 24 mai 2025. |
At ICEM 2025, AMUQ is proud to have been chosen to offer pre-congress workshops. Its pre-congress workshops will take place on Friday, May 23 and Saturday, May 24, 2025. |
Inscription AtelierAC4 - ECGU - ACS
Registration workshopsAC4 - ECGU Workshop: ACS and Friends (English) |
ECGU Workshop: ACS and Friends
Unlock the Secrets of ACS and Beyond!
Join us for a 1-day interactive pre-conference workshop on evidence-based ECG interpretation, clinical evaluation and treatment of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and pericarditis, including ECG mimic review.
May 24th
8 AM to 4:30 PM
Palais des congrès de Montréal
159, rue Saint-Antoine Ouest, 9e étage
Montréal, QC, H2Z 1H2
This live and interactive session aims to enhance your skills in diagnosing and managing the most challenging cases in ischemic cardiac emergencies and acute care.
Why Choose This Workshop?
- Proven Excellence: ECGU workshops has trained over 4000 participants since 2014, with excellent evaluations.
- Up to date: Continuously updated with the latest literature and evidence-based guidelines.
- Trusted by Healthcare Professionals: A go-to course for EM physicians, hospitalists, internists, intensivists, anesthesiologists, residents, nurses, paramedics and other healthcare professionals.
Objectives: ACS… and Friends
By the end of this full-day, hands-on ECG-based workshop, participants will:
✅ Recognize ACS effectively and safely, with or without ST elevation, including the latest concepts in Occluded Myocardial Infarction (OMI).
✅ Apply a full differential for conditions that mimic ACS on ECG: pericarditis, early repolarization, pulmonary embolism (PE), left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), and much more.
✅ Accurately diagnose with all the clinical tools and treat ACS and pericarditis according to the most up-to-date guidelines for ST+ and ST- cases.